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Structuring the data

In computer programming, especially functional programming, and type theory, an algebraic data type is a kind of composite / a type formed by combining other types.

Two standard classes of algebraic types are:

  • product types (i.e., tuples, pair, and data classes)
  • sum types (i.e., enums and sealed interfaces/classes).

They provide the necessary abstraction for structuring the various data of our domain model.

  • Whereas sum types let you model the variations within a particular data type,
  • product types help cluster related data into a larger abstraction.
  • Sum type models an OR relationship,
  • and Product type models an AND relationship.

So, the OR and AND operations constitute the algebra of our data types.

It is becoming clear that we have various classes of algebraic data types in our domain. Let's categorize them:

  • Command / C
  • Event / E
  • State / S


Commands represent the intent to change the state of the information system.

command image


The sealed class in Kotlin represents data composition, also known as a Sum type (models the OR relationship).

The key benefit of using sealed classes comes into play when using them in a when expression. If it's possible to verify that the statement covers all cases, you don't need to add an else clause to the statement.

We model our commands as a Sum type (OR relationship) by using the sealed class. In this example, we have five possible concrete sub-classes of Command which are known at compile time: CreateRestaurantCommand, ChangeRestaurantMenuCommand, PlaceOrderCommand, CreateOrderCommand, MarkOrderAsPreparedCommand.

Additionally, commands are categorized as Restaurant and Order commands which are respectfully matching two concepts presented on the blueprint / swim-lanes at the bottom / yellow sticky notes.

restaurant model

sealed class Command

sealed class RestaurantCommand : Command() {
abstract val identifier: RestaurantId

sealed class OrderCommand : Command() {
abstract val identifier: OrderId

data class CreateRestaurantCommand(
override val identifier: RestaurantId = RestaurantId(),
val name: RestaurantName,
val menu: RestaurantMenu,
) : RestaurantCommand()

data class ChangeRestaurantMenuCommand(
override val identifier: RestaurantId = RestaurantId(),
val menu: RestaurantMenu,
) : RestaurantCommand()

data class PlaceOrderCommand(
override val identifier: RestaurantId,
val orderIdentifier: OrderId = OrderId(),
val lineItems: ImmutableList<OrderLineItem>,
) : RestaurantCommand()

data class CreateOrderCommand(
override val identifier: OrderId,
val restaurantIdentifier: RestaurantId = RestaurantId(),
val lineItems: ImmutableList<OrderLineItem>,
) : OrderCommand()

data class MarkOrderAsPreparedCommand(
override val identifier: OrderId,
) : OrderCommand()


If you zoom in into the concrete command types, for example, CreateRestaurantCommand, you will notice that it is formed by combining other types: RestaurantId, RestaurantName, RestaurantMenu. Essentially, CreateRestaurantCommand data class is a Product type which models AND relationship:

CreateRestaurantOrderCommand = RestaurantId & RestaurantName & RestaurantMenu

Our model is well typed! Notice how RestaurantId, RestaurantName and RestaurantMenu are not of type String which would provide no value and has no meaning from the type system perspective. Rather, we model these information as Kotlin value classes (or alternatively as data classes)

value class RestaurantId(val value: UUID = UUID.randomUUID())

value class RestaurantName(val value: String)

data class RestaurantMenu(
val menuItems: ImmutableList<MenuItem>,
val menuId: UUID = UUID.randomUUID(),
val cuisine: RestaurantMenuCuisine = RestaurantMenuCuisine.GENERAL

Kotlin value classes are causing no additional overhead, since value/inline class is erased at runtime.


Events represent the state change itself, a fact. These events represent decisions that have already happened (past tense).

event image


We model our events as a Sum type (OR relationship) by using sealed class. In this example, we have ten possible sub-classes of Event which are known at compile time: RestaurantCreatedEvent, RestaurantNotCreatedEvent, RestaurantMenuChangedEvent, RestaurantMenuNotChangedEvent, OrderPlacedAtRestaurantEvent, OrderNotPlacedAtRestaurantEvent, OrderRejectedByRestaurantEvent, OrderCreatedEvent, OrderPreparedEvent, OrderRejectedEvent.

Additionally, events are categorized as Restaurant and Order events which are respectfully matching two concepts presented on the blueprint / swim-lanes at the bottom / yellow sticky notes.

restaurant model

sealed class Event {
abstract val final: Boolean

sealed class RestaurantEvent : Event() {
abstract val identifier: RestaurantId

sealed class RestaurantErrorEvent : RestaurantEvent() {
abstract val reason: Reason

sealed class OrderEvent : Event() {
abstract val identifier: OrderId

sealed class OrderErrorEvent : OrderEvent() {
abstract val reason: Reason

data class RestaurantCreatedEvent(
override val identifier: RestaurantId,
val name: RestaurantName,
val menu: RestaurantMenu,
override val final: Boolean = false,
) : RestaurantEvent()

data class RestaurantNotCreatedEvent(
override val identifier: RestaurantId,
val name: RestaurantName,
val menu: RestaurantMenu,
override val reason: Reason,
override val final: Boolean = false,
) : RestaurantErrorEvent()

data class RestaurantMenuChangedEvent(
override val identifier: RestaurantId,
val menu: RestaurantMenu,
override val final: Boolean = false,
) : RestaurantEvent()

data class RestaurantMenuNotChangedEvent(
override val identifier: RestaurantId,
val menu: RestaurantMenu,
override val reason: Reason,
override val final: Boolean = false,
) : RestaurantErrorEvent()

data class OrderPlacedAtRestaurantEvent(
override val identifier: RestaurantId,
val lineItems: ImmutableList<OrderLineItem>,
val orderId: OrderId,
override val final: Boolean = false,
) : RestaurantEvent()

data class OrderNotPlacedAtRestaurantEvent(
override val identifier: RestaurantId,
val lineItems: ImmutableList<OrderLineItem>,
val orderId: OrderId,
override val reason: Reason,
override val final: Boolean = false,
) : RestaurantErrorEvent()

data class OrderRejectedByRestaurantEvent(
override val identifier: RestaurantId,
val orderId: OrderId,
override val reason: Reason,
override val final: Boolean = false,
) : RestaurantErrorEvent()

data class OrderCreatedEvent(
override val identifier: OrderId,
val lineItems: ImmutableList<OrderLineItem>,
val restaurantId: RestaurantId,
override val final: Boolean = false,
) : OrderEvent() {
val status: OrderStatus = OrderStatus.CREATED

data class OrderPreparedEvent(
override val identifier: OrderId,
override val final: Boolean = false,
) : OrderEvent() {
val status: OrderStatus = OrderStatus.PREPARED

data class OrderRejectedEvent(
override val identifier: OrderId,
override val reason: Reason,
override val final: Boolean = false,
) : OrderErrorEvent() {
val status: OrderStatus = OrderStatus.REJECTED


If you zoom in into the concrete event types, for example, OrderPlacedAtRestaurantEvent, you will notice that it is formed by combining other types: RestaurantId, OrderId, OrderLineItem. Essentially, OrderPlacedAtRestaurantEvent data class is a Product type which models AND relationship:

OrderPlacedAtRestaurantEvent = RestaurantId & OrderId & list of [OrderLineItem]

As with commands, the kotlin value and data classes are used to model events, making our model robust, well typed and less error-prone.


The current state of the information system is evolved out of past events/facts.

state image

data class Restaurant(
val id: RestaurantId,
val name: RestaurantName,
val menu: RestaurantMenu

data class Order(
val id: OrderId,
val restaurantId: RestaurantId,
val status: OrderStatus,
val lineItems: ImmutableList<OrderLineItem>


If you zoom in into the concrete state types, for example, Restaurant, you will notice that it is formed by combining other types: RestaurantId, RestaurantName, RestaurantMenu. Essentially, Restaurant data class is a Product type that models AND relationship:

Restaurant = RestaurantId & RestaurantName & RestaurantMenu

Embrace Immutability

Kotlin encourages developers to write immutably, by using val in your data types. Immutable objects are thread safe. No race conditions, no concurrency problems, no need to synchronize.

We can afford it!



One might object that algebraic data types violate encapsulation by making public the internal representation of a type. In functional programming, we approach concerns about encapsulation differently / we don’t typically have a delicate mutable state which could lead to bugs or violation of invariants if exposed publicly. Exposing the data constructors of a data type is often fine, and the decision to do so is approached much like any other decision about what the public API of a data type should be.

Book - Functional Programming in Kotlin

In order to achieve better encapsulation, one could use interfaces instead of data classes as a public API by restricting data classes to package private. Taking into account that we achieved a great deal of immutability, this might not be needed.